BSU Students

Please note that you cannot book appointments via student wellbeing services at BSU. Travel immunisations and minor surgery are NOT provided at the Newton Park Medical Centre and are available at Fairfield Park Health Centre.

Student Health

View our introductory film made by the staff

All newly registered students will automatically be enrolled for online services and login details will be sent via text message or email, as long as this has been provided at registration and you have consented to receive notifications. Otherwise, your login details will be posted to you. Please ensure you provide a full Bath postal address when you register with us. If we are not able to send your login details by any of the above methods you will need to come to our main surgery at Fairfield Park Health Centre to enroll in person. You will need to bring a photographic form of ID with you.

You may also download and use the NHS App as online services enable you to book appointments, request repeat prescriptions, view test results and your medical record.

Appointments can also be booked by telephoning Fairfield Park Health Centre on 01225 331616 (Option 1).

We aim to provide our students with a service that is easily accessible wherever you might be in Bath. GPs are usually the first point of contact with the NHS and provide advice and treatment for a whole range of medical and psychological problems. If in doubt ask the GP. If you are not registered with a GP yet, please access the button shown below, for more information on registering with Fairfield Park Health Centre.

Important Information

Advice for new Students

Helpful Advice for New Students

If you wake up during freshers’ week feeling rubbish, what are you going to do? Once you’ve left home you are responsible for your own health. Sorting out your healthcare is a really important part of starting university and one that many students forget about.

A combination of late nights, lots of alcohol and coming into contact with a whole new bunch of germs from different parts of the country (or the world) could give you the bug that is commonly referred to as ‘Freshers Flu’.

It may not be the flu, it may be something else, but either way it won’t be pleasant and it will be your responsibility to sort it out. Here are some helpful tips for how to manage your healthcare while at Uni.

Before Arriving at University

  • Check with your current doctor to see if you have been vaccinated against MMR and meningitis C. If not, ask them to vaccinate you BEFORE starting university.
  • If you take regular medication, make sure you have enough before you leave home for Uni.
  • Be aware of the signs and symptoms of Meningitis. This will be useful for you and for your new Uni friends to identify the signs and get help/treatment as soon as possible.
  • Make sure you know the name and address of your current Doctor and find out about how to register with a new Doctor at University.
  • Your first point of contact for general medical needs is your GP surgery and they take responsibility for your treatment and care. Your old Practice (i.e. the one you are registered with at home) cannot do this if you are moving away. You will need to register with a new GP near where you will be living.

Fairfield Park Health Centre provide NHS GP services for Bath Spa University students and hold surgeries at the Newton Park campus 5 days a week. You can register online for Fairfield Park Health Centre when you complete your online university registration. Staff from the Health Centre will also be on hand at the university registration weekend to help you to register with the surgery and to answer any queries you may have.

When You Get to University

  • If you haven’t already registered online, contact Fairfield Park Health Centre (FPHC) and do it as soon as possible. It can sometimes take 2-3 weeks for your medical records to be transferred to a new GP so don’t wait until you need a GP to register.
  • FPHC hold daily clinics at Newton Park campus. Our main site is based in Tyning Lane, Bath, BA1 6EA. Our telephone number is 01225 331616 .
  • Please make sure you let us know if you have any pre-existing conditions or are taking regular medication.
  • Apply for a HC2 certificate. If you are eligible this will help with paying for prescriptions. In some cases you may be exempt from paying charges altogether but you will need to apply for a certificate. Phone 0300 330 1341 for queries about medical exemption certificates.
  • Don’t make the mistake of handing in your old repeat prescription request form from home at your new pharmacy – they can’t send it to your old doctor for a repeat prescription.

What to do if You Become ill

  • If it’s a life threatening emergency dial 999.
  • Telephone your local Doctor. If you’ve already registered with them they will know about you and your medical history so will be able to provide good advice and treatment.
  • Outside of your Doctor’s surgery opening hours, call 111 if you need medical help or advice but it’s not a life threatening emergency. Calling 111 is free and available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

Don’t leave it too late.

If you’re unfortunate enough to become ill and need to see a doctor, you’ll wish
you’d done it sooner!

Sexual Health

Worried you might have a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)?

STI checks can be done by:

  • The GP
  • The Sexual Health Clinic (SHC) at the Royal United Hospital Bath. Mon-Fri 8am-6pm
  • The CaSH (Contraceptive and Sexual Health) Clinic (see below)

Sexually active and not had a chlamydia check with your current partner?

Free self-checking screening kits are available for male and female students up to the age of 25. Kits are available from:

  • The Students Union Office at BSU
  • Fairfield Park Health Centre Surgery
  • BSU Newton Park Campus Surgery
  • SAFE-branded Pharmacies (see below)
  • CaSH Clinic (see below)

If you are over 25 and worried about chlamydia then you need to see the GP or go to the Sexual Health clinic at the Royal United Hospital or the CaSH Clinic.

SAFE (Sexual Health Advice For Everyone). If you are under 25 you can access free emergency contraception, free pregnancy testing, free Chlamydia testing and treatment and free condoms (if under 20 with a C card) at any SAFE branded pharmacy. C cards can be obtained from the Nurse at the GP surgery or online from the SAFE website.

CaSH (Contraception and Sexual Health) clinic: For advice on contraception, Sexual Health and unexpected pregnancy.

Walk in:
3-5pm Mon-Fri,
11am-2pm Sat.

Mon 10am-3pm,
Tues 2-3pm and 5-6pm,

The CaSH clinic is situated at:
Riverside Health Centre, James St West, Bath, BA1 2BT
Tel 01225 826855


For free emergency contraception, either:

  • Contact the GP
  • Go to the CaSH (Contraceptive and Sexual Health) clinic (see below)
  • Go to a SAFE-branded Pharmacy, if under 25

ideally within 24 hours of unprotected intercourse.

For general advice on all forms of contraception, including the fitting of coils and implants,
see the GP or go to the CaSH clinic. For repeat prescriptions of the contraceptive pill see the Practice Nurse.

CaSH Clinic opening times:

Walk in:

Mon-Fri 3-5pm
Sat 11am-2pm


Mon 10am-3pm,
Tues 2-3pm and 5-6pm
Wed-Fri 11am-3pm

Find the CaSH Clinic – It is situated in: Riverside Health Centre, James St West, Bath, BA1 2BT. Tel: 01225 826855.

The NHS and Family Planning Association Websites also provide advice about all forms of contraception.

NHS Choices Student Sexual Health

Missed Contraceptive Pill

The following is the latest Family Planning association advice for managing missed pills:

Combined pill (eg Microgynon, Yasmin, Cilest etc)

NOT for Qlaira-Contact the GP for advice

One missed pill:

  • Take the last pill you missed now
  • Continue taking the rest of the pack as usual
  • No additional emergency contraception necessary

For two or more missed pills:

  • Take the last pill you missed now
  • Continue taking the rest of the pack as usual
  • Leave any earlier missed pills
  • Use an additional method of contraception for the next seven days
  • If you have had unprotected sex in the previous seven days you may need emergency contraception. Seek advice from the GP
  • If there are seven or more pills left in the packet, finish the packet and have the usual seven-day break. If there are less than seven pills left, finish the pack and begin a new one the next day

Progesterone only Pill eg Cerazette:

If more than three hours late (12 hours if you are taking Cerazette):

  • Take a pill as soon as you remember. If you have missed more than one, only take one.
  • Take your next pill at the usual time. This may mean taking two pills in one day. This is not harmful.
  • You are NOT protected against pregnancy. Continue to take your pills as usual, but use an additional method of contraception, such as condoms, for the next two days.

If you are less than three hours late (12 hours if you are taking Cerazette):

  • Take a pill as soon as you remember, and take the next one at the usual time. You are protected from pregnancy.
Mood Problems

Feeling depressed, anxious or having disturbing thoughts? These are common problems and
there are several services that can help you:

  • Student support services are an ideal first point of call. Telephone 01225 87654 or email [email protected]

Psychological Therapies self-referral for Cognitive behavioural problems

Tel: 0800 953 1919

Off the Record

  • Provides free self-referral counselling for young people up to the age of 25. Contact them directly by phone, email or text. Telephone 01225 312481

The Samaritans

  • 24hr telephone support and advice service. Telephone 08457 909090

More information on mental health problems is available on the NHS UK website

Pharmacy and Self-Care

Pharmacists can provide advice and treatment for a lot of common health complaints such

  • Coughs, colds, flu and sore throats
  • Minor cuts, bruises, strains and sprains
  • Skin conditions e.g. mild acne & eczema
  • Athlete’s foot, verrucas, warts
  • Hay fever and allergies
  • Aches and pains, such as backache
  • Headaches, earache, toothache
  • Thrush treatments
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Sore mouth and cold sores
  • Diarrhoea, vomiting & indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Urinary tract infections

A pharmacist can advise on the best treatments and you don’t have to make an appointment and not wait long to be seen.

Sexual Health – At any SAFE branded pharmacy, if you are under 25, you can access free emergency contraception, free pregnancy testing, free Chlamydia testing and treatment and free condoms if you already have a C card. To obtain a C-card see Sexual Health.

For further information about self treatment of minor illnesses and services offered by pharmacists take a look at the NHS UK website.


You think you might be pregnant?

Whether it is what you were hoping for or not, contact the GP at Fairfield Park Health Centre or BSU Newton
Park Campus for a free pregnancy test and confidential advice.


CaSH (Contraceptive and Sexual Health) clinic: For advice on contraception, Sexual Health
and unexpected pregnancy.

Walk in:

3-5pm Mon-Fri,
11am-2pm Sat.


Mon 10am-3pm,
Tues 2-3pm and 5-6pm,
Wed to Fri-11am-3pm

Find the CaSH Clinic – It is situated in the same building as the Walk-In Centre(WIC):
Riverside Health Centre, James St West, Bath, BA1 2BT Tel 01225 826855.

You can also get more information on pregnancy and Termination of Pregnancy (TOP) at
the NHS UK website.

Practice Services

Urgent Appointments Only

For life threatening emergencies dial 999 immediately.
If you need to be seen urgently, i.e. on the same day, and it is not a life threatening emergency, the following options may be available for you.

  • Same Day Telephone Appointments at Newton Park Medical Centre (Sophia) are bookable online for urgent matters which cannot wait and the GP will make a face to face appointment if the matter cannot be dealt with over the phone.
  • Routine Appointments at Newton Park Medical Centre and Fairfield Park Health Centre
    Routine appointments are available at both Newton Park Medical Centre and Fairfield Park Health Centre. You will be able to choose whether you have your appointment in person or via the telephone
  • Walk in and Wait (WIAW)
    The WIAW clinics are run at Fairfield Park Health Centre every day from Monday to Friday, between 08:00 and 10:30am. Anyone can turn up and be seen by either a GP, Advanced Nurse Practitioner of First Response Physiotherapist. Please note there will be a waiting time.
  • Duty GP
    A GP at Fairfield Park Health Centre is available 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday to either provide advice over the telephone or see you at the surgery, if you cannot make it to the Same Day clinics. A home visit may be arranged if you are too ill to get to the Surgery. The GP might be able to sort out your problem over the phone and if a prescription is required this can often be sent to your nearest Pharmacy.
  • Out of Hours
    If you require medical assistance outside of the surgery opening times, i.e. Monday-Friday 6:00pm-8:00am; Weekends; Bank Holidays please phone 111 for urgent telephone advice or a visit by a GP. The 111 service is free and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Dental emergencies
    Please see here for information
  • Pharmacy
    Pharmacists can provide advice and treatment for a lot of minor injuries and illnesses.
    There is no 24Hr Pharmacy in Bath, but Sainsburys at Green Park is open late into the evening.
    Mon-Fri: 8am-9pm, Sat: 8am-8pm, Sun: 11am-5pm

Routine (non-Urgent) Appointments

Appointments with a male or female GP or a nurse are available at the Newton Park Campus Medical Centre (Sophia) and Fairfield Park Health Centre.

Hours of Opening – Newton Park Campus Medical Centre (Sophia) 
Monday – Friday, 9:30am – 5:00pm 

Hours of Opening – Fairfield Park Health Centre 
Monday – Friday, 8:00am-6.00pm

Services Provided by the GP at Newton Park Medical Centre (Sophia)

  • Medical and Psychological problems
  • Contraception , including the fitting of coils and implants
  • Sexual Health advice and contraception
  • Referrals to other NHS and Private services

Services Provided by the Practice Nurse at Newton Park Medical Centre (Sophia)

  • Contraception advice and repeat prescriptions and depot injections
  • Chlamydia testing kits
  • Registering for the C-card (for free condoms from SAFE registered pharmacies in Bath for the under 20s)
  • Stopping smoking clinics
  • Wound dressings
  • Diabetes, Asthma and Blood Pressure monitoring Clinics
  • General health advice
  • New patient health checks
  • Blood tests
Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs

Helpful services that you can access directly are:

  • The GP
  • Student Support Services – Tel 01225 876543
  • Off the Record – Advice and counselling on drug and alcohol problems for the under 25’s Tel 01225 312481
  • DHI – The local specialist service for drug and alcohol problems-you can refer yourself. Tel 01225 831810

NHS UK sites have lots of useful information about drug and alcohol

Smoking, alcohol and drugs
Legal highs

Stopping Smoking

  • Well done for considering stopping smoking. You are four times more likely to succeed with support than going it alone.
  • You can book an appointment with an health care professional to provide you with advice and support with stopping smoking at Fairfield Park Health Centre or at the Newton Park campus Surgery
  • Contact the Bath and North East Somerset NHS stop smoking service Helpline 9am-5pm (4.30pm Fridays).
  • Self referral by phone Tel 01225 831852
  • Your local pharmacist can give advice and recommend treatments
  • Take a look at all the NHS resources available to you on the NHS ‘smokefree’ website

Healthy Living

Don’t forget to look after your health at University.

The NHS UK website has a special Student Health section and provides excellent advice at Student Health